Digital Marketing Global by Birdie Digital Marketing Agency

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Digital Marketing Global is brought to you by Birdie Digital Marketing Agency for the purpose of providing our industry a digital marketing education site that is 100% free! This invaluable resource features digital marketing experts from all across the globe writing on anything relevant to the industry. You will find everything from editorials to guest interviews, in-depth tutorials to latest industry trends and so much more.

Digital Marketing General Categories

Marketing Tutorials

Here you will find detailed educational articles in the form of a tutorial. Topics for all categories will include:

Web Design

Web Development

Search Engine Optimization

Local SEO

Google Business Profile

SEO Business Directories

Social Media Marketing

Paid Advertising

Content Writing

Digital Design

Marketing Agency Administration

However, while these are our main sub-topics, that certainly does not cover every possible digital marketing topic. Marketing, and it’s many specialties can get very granular; hence, you will find more than just those topics.

Marketing Editorials

What’s the difference between an article and an editorial? An editorial is an opinion, and is expressed as such. Even though the writer may or may not use first person writing, the author’s voice is very clearly present. An article is unbiased and objective in it’s view. They present facts or report other people’s opinions, such as those of witnesses or experts. In general, a news article is supposed to be neutral and an editorial is supposed to be opinionated.

Marketing Trends

What’s hot in todays marketing industry? Here you will find the most modern or cutting edge knowledge about style in general; things like color pallet, typography, and digital design trends. In this section you will also find case studies that project the future of digital marketing.

Marketing Tips

Here’s our chance to get you very granular and specific tips on digital marketing. How-To articles, what not to do articles, and articles that help streamline your workflows, dev style, or writing processes.

Marketing Industry Interviews

In this category we will be interviewing top marketing professionals that have contributed to the industry in the way of advancement or interviews with those whom have found great success. We dive deep into our subjects mind and you get to hear it all from the horses mouth as they say.